Monday, April 23, 2012


This afternoon, I am focusing on a couple of things. Namely, a personal mission statement, a list of goals I'd like to accomplish & a bucket list.

First a definition of each:

A personal mission statement- Who I am, what my roles are,  what convictions I profess, what I prioritize etc. Thus, when a decision comes up, I can weigh it against my priorities & decide whether or not this one decision/activity etc is worth investing my time in or not.

Goals- to be accomplished this week, this month, next month, next year, in 5 years, in my lifetime etc the Lord willing (key- Proverbs 16:9 & James 4:13-17).

Bucket List- This is more of a "fun" one. What I would like to see, read, visit, experience, do etc in my lifetime (similar to goals except more specific). Again, if it is within the Lord's Will for my life. I do not want to desire anything apart from His Plan for my life...

So... Some questions to get you started-

Who are you?
Where do you find your identity?
Who do you align/associate yourself with?
What do you believe, deep down in the core of your soul?

Where do you find enjoyment/pleasure?
What are your priorities?
Where do you invest your time?
Where do you invest your money?

Why do you "do what you do"?
What would you no longer do, if you didn't have to do them anymore?

What do you wish you could do, but are currently unable to do them?
What needs to happen to help you accomplish your goals? (again, if they are in line with God's Plan!)

What do you hope to accomplish today?
This week?
This month?
This year?
Next year?
In the next 5 years?
Important: What are you currently, actively doing NOW to accomplish your goal???

What would you like to see in your lifetime?
Where would you like to go?
What would you like to do?

That's just to get you started. I'm sure that there's many more questions that I have forgotten or omitted...

I would love to hear your answers to these questions! :) But this is more for your use, to think about the questions, pray & mediate over your answers... I hope you use this tool & take the time to answer the questions!

Please let me know if you have any questions about any of this!

Be blessed today, my friends! :)


  1. Thanks for following! You have a very nice blog.

  2. Sarah, you're welcome. Thank you for the compliment. I'm glad that you enjoy it! Be blessed!
