Friday, December 14, 2012


There is a Country song that goes "I thank God I ain't what I almost was". I haven't been able to get the lyrics out of my head all day. They keep playing over & over again in my mind. (Naturally, his next song on the CD was about regret)

It got me thinking, though... I wonder how many times in life we convince (read here- deceive) ourselves into believing that our plans are really God's Plans for us? How often do we want something so badly that we deceive ourselves into thinking that it is the Best thing for us? Even sin? Suppressing our consciences? That we ignore other people's advice & proceed full-steam ahead, to fulfill all our dreams & plans? Out of stubbornness, pride etc, despite everyone's cautions & warnings? Only to wake up five years down the road & say, "What was I thinking??? If only I had listened to their advice..."

I am reminded tonight of the utter importance of accountability- of staying in close relationship with strong fellow believers, who aren't afraid to tell you the "hard Truth" in life, of confronting you when you are walking in sin... Of having a close walk with the Lord- totally in tune to His Voice, Plans, Will & Purposes (for more on this topic, read here & here). Walking in obedience to Him. Of fully surrendering our Dreams to Him (read more here & here), even if it means that He changes them & conforms them into His Will for our lives... Of walking in contentment with where He has us in life right now- of unconditionally trusting in His Plan (read more here).

 I feel like we are at a cross roads in life. We have the Choice to obey God & follow Him & listen to His Voice (& wise counsel). Or not. To live a Life of Blessing or curses. To Choose His Way, Path, Will, Purposes, Promises etc or to choose our own desires over His- rushing ahead of God's Plan for our lives. Trusting in His Plan and His Timing. There is a way to do things & a way to not do them. Sometimes a good thing can be gained in the wrong way, making it a wrong thing after all & not worth the effort invested... A lot is at stake here...

I don't think there is anything wrong with daydreaming, BUT you must make sure to incorporate the "God factor" into your so-called "plans." Because, you never know, He might have a different Plan for your life. Are you okay with that??? I'd strongly encourage you to submit to His Plan for your life, because it's most likely a bigger, better Plan than you could ever come up with on your own!!! :)

"And we know that ALL things work out for the Good
of those who love God, who have been Called
according to His Purposes..."
- Romans 8:28

"For I know the Plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,
“Plans to prosper you & not to harm you,
Plans to give you Hope & a Future..."
- Jeremiah 29:11

" A man plans his course,
    but the Lord establishes his steps..."
- Proverbs 16:9

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