Monday, July 25, 2011


I ran across some of my old "book notes" and I found this post, entitled "Humility, according to Matt Redman." Below is my entry from September 19, 2010:

"A real test of true humility is how you handle criticism.

A former United States senator once commentated: "Humility is a manner, a viewpoint, an all-encompassing thing... Humility is expressed through actions;... it can be demonstrated simply by stopping and listening to someone. Its essence is putting others ahead of yourself... A real test of humility is how you handle criticism. The natural reaction is to throw up an immediate defense, a quick excuse, a spontaneous rebuttal. The humble way to handle criticism is to try to understand the reasons for the criticism, to look for what truth there might be in it."

How do YOU respond??? Normally? Usually? How do you WISH you'd respond?

True humility starts way before getting onstage. Do we put others before ourselves? Are we spending time with (and listening to) indviduals? How do we handle constructive criticism? How do we respond in the depths of our hearts?

 Humility is picking up litter when no one is looking just because you want to serve your community. Humility is letting someone else use your idea. And then telling no one that it originated with you. Humility is listening to others even when you have plenty to say. Recognizing the difference between achievement and entrustment. Humility expresses itself in random acts of kindness, performed day in and day out, for God's eyes only- invisible acts that only you and God get to witness, the tell-tale signs of a humble heart.

 At the end of the day, true humility can never be mustered up or learned by striving. Humility is the heart of someone who's seen the greatness of God, the smallness of self, and the importance of others."

A book I would recommend reading on this topic would be: Humility: True Greatness by C.J. Mahaney

 Roughly adapted from my book notes on Inside Out Worship: Insights for Passionate & Purposeful Worship by Matt Redman & Friends

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