Saturday, March 10, 2012

God first

 “My heart’s desire is to be so overwhelmed with our incomparable, awesome God that my life cannot help but bring Him glory.”- author unknown

Do you value the praise of men over that of God?
Do you truly understand the depth, weight, responsibility etc of Christ’s sacrifice?
Are you trying to save face amongst other Christians?
Are you placing things above Him (idols)?
 Is Jesus most glorious to you?
How can I become more aware of choosing to honor God in all I do?
Beware of anything that competes with loyalty to Christ
Am I more devoted to ________________ than to Christ?

We are Called to be Undistracted, to focus on Christ, because ALL else is secondary. Oftentimes the greatest competitor of devotion to Jesus is service for Him, being so busy doing things "for" God that we truly lose sight of Him. We are Called to offer God our very best, not to “serving God the leftovers”.

How can you show Jesus how much you love Him?
What things are trying to replace your “first love”? (job, wealth, relationships etc)
Is Jesus first in your life right now?
How can my love (obedience) for God be more genuine (consistent etc)?
How can my love for others be more ____________ (genuine etc)?
Are you obedient to the pull of the Holy Spirit on your heart? Are you trusting Him fully? 

We are Called to fear God, not man and to serve Him alone- undistracted and full of devotion. We may not be "persecuted," so to speak, but we must die daily to self & everything except the Word of God in our

Focus on the things of God- Having a singular purpose/ passion/ focus/ motive; single-minded, fully-devoted, undistracted (by world etc), completely committed. Not putting self (or anyone else) above/before God. What does this mean? What does this look like? (planning, scheduling etc) Making time to sit and rest in the Word.

If your purpose is to reflect the glory of God, then all of your decisions are based on the question “Will God receive the glory?”


  1. My kids have been telling me a lot lately, I love you mom....but I love Jesus more." And there is NOTHINg that makes me happier than those words :) Priorities :) It is important to get them straight :)

  2. :) That is VERY good! Amen! You are raising your children right... ;) Keep up the good work! And it is of the utmost importance!

  3. Blessed me as you always do. Looking forward to seeing you!

  4. Thank you for your comment, Valerie! You are a blessing to me too! As is your whole family! Yes, I am looking forward to seeing you too!!! :) Have a blessed week! And a special birthday! :)
